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@Voice Aloud Reader 26.3.0
Hyperionics Technology
Listen to the app read aloud or read on screenweb pages, news articles, long emails, TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF,OpenOffice documens, EPUB, MOBI, PRC, AZW and FB2 ebooks and more.It's an HTML reader, document reader and ebook reader all in one,both for reading on-screen, or listening when your eyes hurt,malfunction or are busy elsewhere. ADHD? Read the User Commentbelow.USER COMMENTS:“I just wanted to express my thanks for your wonderful app. I am anacademic researcher who has A.D.H.D., and @Voice has been amazinglyhelpful to me. (…) In my case, ADHD manifests with challenges inconcentration and focus. When I read on the page, I frequently findmyself having to re-read sentences, paragraphs or entire passagesupon realizing that I had "zoned out" while reading. (…) theseproblems are resolved when I use @Voice to "read" written work. TheTTS format keeps me on track, because even if I get distractedwhile listening, the speech continues and I am able to quicklyreturn to the author's overall train of thought. And, thanks to theintuitive interface of @voice aloud (especially the highlightingfunction) it is easy to back-track if necessary. (…)So, @voice hastruly improved my life and prospects. I estimate that your appallows me to read about 10-12 times more than I would otherwisehave been able to read, and has certainly improved my ability toedit my own work.”FEATURES:* Open text, PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, OpenOffice documents or HTMLfiles from Android file system for reading aloud.* Click "Share" or "Send by Email" button/menu item in any app tosend text to @Voice Aloud Reader for aloud reading over speakers ora headset.* When sharing web pages to @Voice, their menus, navigation, ads,other junk are removed, leaving clean text to read or listen.* If "Share" is not available, copy text in another app and pasteit into @Voice for aloud reading.* Save articles opened in @Voice to files for later listening.Construct listening lists of many articles for uninterruptedlistening one after the other. Order the list as needed, e.g. moreimportant articles first.* Option to instantly read aloud text copied to clipboard.* Read ebooks on screen with their original formatting, imagesshown, turn pages or read continuously. Or put headphones, turn offscreen and listen!* Handles Chinese and Japanese vertical text (right to left mode)under Android 4.4 and higher, or switch it to horizontal mode ifpreferred.* Easily add saved Pocket articles to @Voice reading list - in ReadList screen, press Menu - Add articles from Pocket, then read onscreen or listen being read aloud.* Record spoken articles to sound files - WAV (uncompressed) or OGG(compressed) formats supported.* Long-press word and/or select a longer phrase to viewdictionaries, translations, Wikipedia, Web search and more.* Speech correction for TTS, optionally using Regular Expressions(RegEx)* Desktop/laptop Google Chrome browser extension to add articles to@Voice reading list with one click.* Easily control speech generator volume, pitch and rate ofspeech.* Pause/resume speech as needed with wired or Bluetooth headsetbuttons, plus click Next/Previous buttons to jump by sentence or tonext/previous article on list.* Auto-recognize the language to use appropriate TTS voice, ifavailable, or set your preferred voices manually with "Selectlanguage" menu item.* Options for additional pause between paragraph, start talking assoon as a new article is loaded or wait for a button press,start/stop talking when wired headset plug isinserted/removed.* Optional sleep timer to stop speech after a given timeout.* Now compatible with Smart Headset Assistant -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yado.sbh2WANT TO BETA TEST NEW RELEASES?Join @Voice Beta Testing:https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.hyperionics.avar
@Voice PDF Crop Plugin 2.2.2
Hyperionics Technology
IMPORTANT NOTE: This plugin is no longer used for @Voice appversions 19 and higher, its functionality is now part of the main@Voice app. We leave it in Google Play for a while only for userson Android versions 4.4 and lower. @Voice PDF Plugin is used withthe main @Voice Aloud Reader app to improve text extraction fromPDF files for reading aloud. It is not a stand-alone app and shouldbe not started manually. By turning on the "Manually crop pagesbefore extracting text" option in @Voice PDF import screen, andpressing the "Open file" button, the PDF Plugin will start and showthe first page of your PDF document. You may change pages with theslider and < > buttons on top. For each page you may move thegray area edges up and down, right and left as needed, to cut outany unwanted text, such as page numbers, headers and footers,sidebars, footnotes etc. Only the text from the white area in themiddle will be included when extracting text for reading aloud. Theadditional functions on the "hamburger" menu let you propagatecurrent page crop to other pages, exclude some pages completelyfrom the text extraction process etc. When finished, press theFinish item there. This will take you back to the main @Voice app,start the actual text extraction, followed by reading aloud. If youwould like to beta-test new versions of @Voice PDF Crop Plugin,please sign up for beta at this link:https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.hyperionics.avarPdf
@Voice Sync Plugin 4.3.5
Hyperionics Technology
A plugin for @Voice Aloud Reader app to enable "Add from GoogleDrive" function.
@Voice Floating Button Plugin 1.3.1
Hyperionics Technology
Controls @Voice app reading aloud from any screen in the system
@Voice Network Library Plugin
Hyperionics Technology
OPDS catalog browser for @Voice Aloud Reader
@Voice Premium License 1.9.0
Hyperionics Technology
Premium license for @Voice Aloud Reader. Removes all ads, enablesextra features